Friday, April 27, 2012

London Bridges

So I went to visit little Bunny yesterday because it had been a little while since I had seen her. She was a little fussy most of the night. We tried to watch tv, fail. That really is hard when you have a screaming baby! Before I left I helped Keishia and Chase give her a bath. She really liked bath time and after she was getting fussy again so I was just dancing around trying to sooth her in any way. Well randomly I started humming the tune of London Bridges and by the time I was done I was singing it in barnyard animal voices....this girl is making me crazy!!Yes I know, hilarious but it worked. After going through ducks, cats, dogs, chickens, and cows multiple times Aimsley finally went to sleep. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do huh?

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