Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Aimsley had to get tubes in her ears yesterday. She has had multiple ear infections and always seems sick and to have a runny nose. Keishia was told to take her to an ear, nose, and throat specialist and they did some hearing tests and Aimsley failed 10 of 11 hearing test! She was completely clogged up. They scheduled her surgery very fast! Bad news is Keishia had the stomach virus yesterday so she was miserable at Aimsley's surgery! Aimsley passed with flying colors. Didn't cry after she woke up from anesthesia and waved at Keishia and Chase when they walked in after her surgery. She is a trooper! They said that one of her ears were completely full and was the consistency of taffy. The poor girl hasn't been able to hear this whole time! We are hoping this improves her balance so she will be able to take off and walk by herself. She hasn't walked any since her first steps. We must have scared her to death!

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