Sunday, November 4, 2012


So we just recently discovered that Aimsley has FPIES or Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome. This is a form of food allergy. So far Aimsley is allergic to Bananas and Green Beans. The symptoms are that of the stomach virus when she has a reaction. She will vomit until she starts dry heaving and be very lethargic. Keishia has found a great allergist and is doing everything she can do to find out everything she can about this syndrome. Aimsley will of course be just fine we just have to trial foods instead of giving her whatever she wants. So for one week she has to try a specific food and it she doesn't get sick within two hours after ingesting then that means she is more than likely not allergic to that food!!! Hopefully this is something that she will grow out of!

In other news Aimsley has learned a new skill....standing on all fours. We say she is training for the Olympic Gymnastics team of 2027! 

Haha we don't know if she is trying to flip or what! Silly girl!! Also Aimsley had her first Bubble Bath this week. No doubt that this little girl loves baths and a bubble bath was no different! She had a blast!

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