Tuesday, September 4, 2012


No more prop sitting for this little bunny she is officially sitting up on her own. Lord she will be walking before we know it. I hate that she is growing up so fast but I am loving seeing her little personality shine through!

Aimsley had a busy weekend this weekend! She went to Owensboro with Keishia and Chase to meet a new friend, then spent some time in Jetson with us and to meet her new cousin Dean! Chase's Best Man just recently had a baby and their baby's baptism was this past weekend so they attended that in Owensboro!

The first picture below is a picture from back in August that I had forgotten about. I just love this picture! Its me and Aimsley hanging out watching Mickey! Two of her favorite things to do....hang out with Aunt Kei Kei and watch Mickey!!! I cherish these times with her. 

Now on to some Jetson pictures. We just love when Aimsley comes to Jetson. Home is my favorite place in the world and I hope Aimsley appreciates it as much as I do now! Simple country living is the best thing in life. When I am feeling a little stressed a good trip to Jetson is the perfect cure. Just sitting on our beautiful porch looking out into the farm is one of my most favorite things to do. I can definitely see me and Matthew living out there one day. He will spend his afternoons hunting and I will spend mine sitting on the porch and enjoying the quiet time! Sounds like the perfect life for me! Matthew is also wonderful with Aimsley! I cannot wait for this man to be the father of my children. I know he will make a great one!

Aimsley and Dean loved getting to meet each other! They are 2 months apart and both so special!

And this last pic is just a very precious picture of the whole Embry family. Are they not just perfect?! And is Aimsley not a spitting image of her daddy?

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