Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Well Aimsley had a couple of accidents today! Since she is eating more, this means she is pooping more....A LOT more! Aimsley is on a bit of a feeding frenzy as well. Between the hours of 1-6 she eats about 4-5 times! Well earlier that day Aimsley had her first minor explosion in the morning.

Gross! Oh yeah and it stinks now Haha. Then a little later bunny pooped again and it leaked out on her pants! But the third story is the best. Keishia decided that she and Aimsley were going to lay down and take a mid afternoon nap. While they were napping Chase wanted to go for a run. Well Aimsley wasn't having the nap she was wide awake and having a little fun in her pants. Chase got back from running and Keishia needed to take care of some things and asked Chase to change her diaper. In the midst of the diaper changing Aimsley starts peeing...as usual. But then the funniest thing happened. Chase starting screaming for Keishia to get in there and help him and when Keishia walked in Aimsley was shooting poopie out of her but and Chase was blocking it with his hand. It was so intense it almost hit the wall. Keishia and Chase were laughing so hard that they couldn't even clean it up at the moment. It was everywhere, on the the pack and play, her clothes, the floor. LOL classic moment. I really wish they would have had the video camera! HILARIOUS! More pictures!!!

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